A solar-powered, day-long music, food, film and celebrity festival to raise public awareness for environmental, health, human, and animal issues, held in Los Angeles.
Femmuse is a Los Angeles, California based female indie musicians network, founded by Shredmistress Rynata, award winning female lead guitarist. The mission is to provide a place for female musicians, women bands (and cool dudes) to showcase, network, share ideas, support each other, offer services and advice, job opportunities, and gig/band/musicians referrals. Acoustic singers and songwriters, heavy rocking bands – funky, jazzy, soulful – it’s all here at this fab network.
This year our top sponsor goes to Eileen Carey. This is a lady with great talent who has gone beyond her call of duty to see to it that some of our angels got Christmas presents.
All the way from California, Eileen put together a toy drive to help our angels. If you havent heard this woman sing you definatley should. You can visit her website at On behalf of the staff at Angels Among Us, I would personally like to say Thank You to Eileen and the Femmuse network for making Christmas come alive for our Angels, I couldnt have done this without you.
Letters from soldiers:
I just wanted to say thank you for your support! I am GySgt Steve Crawford and I am in Iraq for the second time. Knowing that so many people back home support us is very reassuring to the folks here. The Iraqi people are so very happy we are here helping them out, despite what the news reports, they are glad to have us here helping them out. We have improved the quality of life for the majority of the people here.
Thank you again for all you do.
Steve Crawford
Hello Ms. Carey
First I want to thank you for your CD, and the note. I am currently in Afghanistan as you can tell from the subjest of the email! I have been here for almost 6 months and thats just about our half way mark. It is my second time here. This time I am assigned to a unit out of Italy, Last tiem it was with the 82nd Airborne Division from Fort Bragg, NC. I have been in the army for 6 years on the 1st of next month.
I am from Syracuse NY, I am 25 married and when I came out here my wife decided she wanted to be with family (can you blame her) so she moved in with her family also in Syracuse, NY. I just returned from my R&R. It was very nice to see all of the family again.
Things here are going well. I am a cook so I leave the base as little as possible. I am here to keep the morale of the soldiers up. I think all of us cooks do a good job of it. We serve very good food.
Again I want to say thank you for the CD and the note. I speak for everyone out here, it means a lot to us to get letters or anythign at all from people we dont know.
Thank you
Lucas Bouchard
I am currently in Afghanistan and received your CD in a care package from Operation Gratitude, an organization that assembles care packages for deployed soldiers. On the CD case was a nice, handwritten “thank you” note of appreciation and support.
Thanks for keeping American soldiers in mind. It comforts me that whatever popularity or unpopularity there may be in the US regarding the war, Americans are supportive of their soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen. Your thoughts and prayers are not unnoticed and are appreciated.
Take care and keep up with the music. I’ve attached a picture of our small unit that we took the day that we flew from Ramstein, Germany to Afghanistan.
Todd Terral
Captain, US Army