Once again I’m in a good ole’ Country Music listening mood and I have been lucky enuff to grace anew cd by the very talented female country singer and songwriter Eileen Carey…
I’m sitting here truly enjoying the music and each song’s well-written story-telling lyrics… The songs are inviting and easy on the ears. Ms. Carey sings from the heart and offers up some great hooks and melody lines… Production, engineering, arrangements and recording mix are top-notch. I hear influences from the the early Eagles to our modern day artists such as Wynonna Judd. Her music crosses everything from easy listening country music, to Americana and pop music.
The backup band is tight and very lively. Some of the best country pickers I’ve heard in awhile. And management didn’t skimp on providing a wide variety of classic instruments and the best musicians in the biz to help Eileen get her muse across to a wider audience.
Song List:
1. That was her This Is Now
2. What Goes Around
3. Moving On
4. Stand
5. Do I Dare
6. He’s Not Mr. Right He’s Mr. Right Now
7. Out With The Girls
8. Faith
9. Newsflash
Parting Shot: Radio Friendly Country Music for the Masses from the Heart ! Her cover of Keith Urbans’s song “That was Her, This is Now” gets me every time. Totally GROOVE to song NO. 8 “Faith” … I dig that One.. The kool tune has that early Chrissie Hynde of the Pretenders 80’s vibe to it.
Author Scott Thomas http://www.cashboxmagazine.com
Stars 4 out of 5 stars