Eileen Carey Answers Digital Rodeo’s “Inquiring Minds Want To Know” Questions
One of the hardest thing for human beings to learn is how and when to let things go. So when an artist like Eileen Carey comes along with a powerful message about doing just that, it’s a welcomed sight. The award-winning California-based singer/songwriter’s fourth and latest album LET IT GO features songs which follow through on the theme on letting go of those ties that bind us to the past and perhaps no song is more evident than the title track, “Let It Go,” a thumping up-tempo country pop tune about forgetting the small things or events from our past that lead to insecurities and indecisions of life.
“I always try to give people different options as a way to look at things,” Eileen says. “Because, unfortunately, this world’s been up and down and if I can get them to think about things that maybe they haven’t before, then maybe they can “Let It Go” and get to a better place in their life.”
Below read Eileen Carey’s answers to Digital Rodeo’s “Inquiring Minds Want To Know” questions:
1. In the last year what is the one thing you accomplished you were surprised by?
“Everything surprises me. Every time I listen to my new CD Let It Go, I am surprised that my art and voice keeping growing! Grateful as well!!”
2. In the upcoming year what are your top three goals musically that you want to accomplish?
1) A hit single 2) Create alliances with the most creative people in country music. 3) Reach an international audience.
3. What is your guilty pleasure when you get off a tour?
LOL…they are not very guilty. Hanging out with my family, my animals and my friends. It is much more exciting than you would imagine though!
4. What is your current challenge personally you are pushing yourself to achieve?
“Always the same challenge. To write better songs. To sing them better. To put on a better show. I am living my dream and my passion. I am always pushing myself to give more of myself to my fans. To the world at large.”
5. Who would be your “dream artist” to do an opening act for and why?
“Keith Urban. My biggest single to date is a tune he and Vernon Rust wrote called “That Was Her This Is Now”. I have recorded the only version of that song.”
6. Who was your most influential artist in your early years?
“So many, but Martha Davis, Patsy Cline and Chrissie Hynde to name a few prominent influences.”
7. Do you have hobbies that keep you busy when you are not on the road/in studio?
“Do I? Been kickboxing with regular workouts three times a week for the past 10 years! Been rescuing feral cats for years; and of course I am TheMusicMom.com; which is becoming less of a hobby all the time, and more of an active way I can be of service to other women with children in the music business!”
8. “What is at the top of your bucket list besides music?
“I want to write and direct movies!”
9. Do you have a “lucky charm” you carry on stage or a routine for good luck you do before you go onstage?
I am not superstitious. I carry my faith with me wherever I go!
10. What is your favorite comfort food?
I’m Irish! Potatoes! Any kind of potatoes!
11. Current project you are promoting (SINGLE – TOUR – CD etc.) and what are you most excited about it??
“After two years in the making of Let It Go, you know I am excited about the CD release. I believe it to be my best recording to date.”
originally posted http://digitalrodeo.com/news/eileen-carey-answers-digital-rodeos-inquiring-minds-want-know-questions